Dear Public Service Media Policies WG members,
We hope that you are all doing well and have had a restful and enjoyable summer (in spite of the challenging times).
The purpose of this newsletter is to draw your attention to some recent publications and forthcoming events that might be of interest:
IAMCR Online 2020
As you probably know, IAMCR 2020 was launched in mid-July and all papers and videos will remain online and accessible until 12 September. As an IAMCR member, you have free and full access to IAMCR 2020's papers and videos, as well as its comment/discussion platform. Our Working Group has organised 4 sessions – please do not miss the last chance to read the papers, watch the videos and join in the discussion.
- Current Issues in PSM Research: Values, Politics and Digital Innovations (Public Service Media Policies Working Group) (online video session)
- Pubic Service Media in the digital eco-system (conference papers)
- The Politics of Public Service Media (conference papers)
- Media Ethics of Communication During Public Health Crisis: Reporting Covid-19 in China and beyond (conference papers)
Special issue of Interactions
With Minna Horowitz from the. U. of Helsinki, we have edited a themed issue for Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture titled ‘Advocating for Public Service Media: Scholarship and Praxis’. The issue originates from the one-day post-conference we held at the 2018 IAMCR conference in Eugene: ‘Public Service Media (PSM) in a Time of Global Reordering: Sustainability, Reinvention and Extension’. The special issue features contributions by Winston Mano and Viola Milton, Corinne Schweizer, Masduki Masduki, Michael Huntsberger, Anis Rahman, Peter A. Thompson, Sally-Ann Wilson, Maria Michalis, Naomi Sakr, Greg Lowe, Alessandro D'Arma, and Yik Chan Chin. You can read more about the issue here and read the table of contents and access the papers (for subscribers only) here (select ‘Content’ tab).
A webinar series on universalism and Public Service Media: Our RIPE/IAPMR friends are running a three-part webinar discussing and debating the case for the need to revitalize the universalism mission by reimagining its conceptual and practical dimensions: 9 and 16 September 2020, 14:00–15:30 UTC; 23 September 2020, 13:00–14:30 UTC. The webinar series brings together authors of the new RIPE@2019 reader of the same theme, titled Universalism in Public Service Media (Nordicom, 2020). You can find more info about the webinars here and sign up for any or all of the webinars here.
Kind regards,
Alessandro and Yik Chan
Co-Chairs - PSM WG