Media and Sport Section
The IAMCR Media and Sport Section (MES) will run elections for one position of Co-Chair during its business meeting at the IAMCR 2019 Madrid conference.
The current officers of the Section are Alina Bernstein (elected until 2020) and Xavier Ramon. Ramon has been serving as the MES interim Co-Chair since July 2018 and will be running for election.
Any IAMCR member who would like to serve as an officer of the Media and Sport Section must submit their name and institutional position, a statement of no more than 500 words (e.g. a bio and motivation statement), to the current officers (see contact details below) with a copy to IAMCR General Secretary Gerard Goggin gerard.goggin@sydney.edu.au and to the IAMCR secretariat membership@iamcr.org, by 14 June 2019.
Please note these statements will be published on the IAMCR website. The election itself will take place in person at the business meeting in Madrid.
Section officers must be current IAMCR members, either directly or through an IAMCR institutional member who has listed them among its IAMCR representatives, and must be members of the MES section.
You can find the election rules at: https://iamcr.org/governance/swg-rules
You can find more information about the Media and Sport section at: https://iamcr.org/s-wg/section/media-and-sport
• Co-Chair: Dr Alina Bernstein alinabernstein@gmail.com
• Co-Chair: (interim) Dr Xavier Ramon xavier.ramon@upf.edu
Candidates and statements
For Co-Chair:
- Xavier Ramon (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain)
Xavier Ramon (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain)
I am a lecturer at the Department of Communication of Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain). I hold a PhD in Communication from the UPF. I am also affiliated to the Olympic Studies Centre at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (CEO-UAB). My research interests lie in the intersection of sports communication, journalism ethics and media accountability. I have published in several outlets in the field, including Communication & Sport, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, International Journal of Sport Communication, and Digital Journalism and I currently serve on the editorial board of Communication & Sport. I have been a visiting researcher at the University of Stirling, the University of Glasgow, the University of Alabama and the IOC Olympic Studies Centre.
My relationship with IAMCR goes back to Braga 2010, where I attended the conference as an undergraduate student. Since then, I have participated in several IAMCR conferences (Dublin 2013, Montreal 2015, Leicester 2016, Eugene 2018), being actively involved both in the Media & Sport section and the Ethics of Society and Ethics of Communication Working Group. Since July 2018 I have been serving as the interim Co-Chair of the Media & Sport section, working with Alina Bernstein in the preparation and planning for Madrid 2019.
Shall I given the opportunity to be elected as Co-Chair of the section, together with Alina Bernstein I want to further develop the section as an international venue that contributes to advance the understanding of the media and sport nexus. Through different activities, this group will continue to bring together a global community of researchers to stimulate the debate about a broad range of areas in the field (equality and diversity, emerging technologies, ethics and accountability, production and coverage of sporting mega-events, the evolution of the sports media rights market, and far beyond).
Some of the initiatives we would like to develop in the forthcoming years include increasing the visibility of the section, intensifying the dialogue with other IAMCR sections and working groups and cooperating with other academic associations such as the International Association for Communication and Sport (IACS), the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and the International Communication Association (ICA). To support young researchers and exploring new ways to publish special issues will be also fundamental for the Media & Sport section.
Dr Xavier Ramon
Department of Communication, Pompeu Fabra University