Finding your way in academia can be confusing, overwhelming, and intimidating. How do you choose the right conference? The right journal? The right research project? And who can you ask for advice? The Emerging Scholars Network can help with the ESN Mentorship Programme.
The Mentorship Programme aims to connect emerging scholars with senior scholar mentors for guidance and assistance. As mentors, established scholars meet with a mentee at conferences and are available for basic feedback and advice via email throughout the year.
If you are interested in being a mentor or a mentee, please read on!
For Mentors
Do you have 30 minutes to spare at IAMCR conferences? Could you respond to a handful of emails throughout the year?
If so, please contact Jennifer Henrichsen to become part of the ESN Mentorship Programme. Just send a CV/bio to jhenrichsen (at) asc.upenn.edu by Sunday, June 10, 2018.
Mentoring is a great way to help emerging scholars and to continue the international connections so valuable to the IAMCR and our academic community.
Mentor commitments:
- Meet with mentee at IAMCR conferences
- Communicate periodically during the year
- Provide advice and feedback on conference, publication, and research plans
For Emerging Scholars
Would you like a little guidance and advice about academia and your participation in IAMCR?
If so, please sign up now to become part of the ESN Mentorship Programme! Simply fill out the attached application and send it along with your CV or bio to Jennifer Henrichsen (jhenrichsen (at) asc.upenn.edu) by Sunday, June 10, 2018. You don’t have to be an ESN member to participate.
Mentee commitments:
- Read the “guide for mentees” attached to this email
- Meet with mentors at IAMCR conferences
- Communicate periodically during the year
- Provide mentors with occasional updates on research and publication projects
Participants will be matched based on research interests and they will be notified by mid-June, in time for mentors and mentees to decide to meet during the IAMCR Conference in late June. Please note, however, that it is not compulsory to attend the conference to participate in the Programme.