Members of IAMCR

This searchable directory includes all current individual members, including regular representatives of institutional members and PhD student representatives of institutions. You can search by name, country/region of residence or keyword.
To find the email address of a given member go to (only accessible to IAMCR current members).

Display Name Affiliation Country/Territory Keywords
Ms. Frambel Lizárraga Asociacion Mexicana de Investigadores de la Comunicación-MX Género, Migración, Prensa escrita, Comunicación, agenda setting, análisis del discurso, representación mediática.
Elaine Llarena College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los Baños
Yun Kiu Lo Temple University’s Klein College of Media and Communication
Micaela Lobos University of Westminster
Isabel Löfgren Södertörn University