This newsletter consists of two parts: first, we present some information and updates about upcoming conferences, call for papers and latest publications. Following that, we share information directly related to the upcoming IAMCR conference in July.
Part 1: General information
Conference alert
The international conference titled ‘L’élection présidentielle de 2022: vers une réinvention des processus démocratiques?’ on comparative political communication will be held in Nice on 29th and 30th June, 2022. It is an initiative of the Sic.Lab Méditerranée laboratory of the Université́ Côte d'Azur (www.siclab.fr) with the assistance of the Center d'Etudes Comparisons in Political and Public Communication (www.ceccopop.eu). The event will bring together European researchers to discuss and deliberate upon the French Presidential Election of 2022. The conference convenor is Philippe Maarek, Professor at Université Paris Est – UPEC, as well as previous chair of the Political Communication section.
Call for papers
• The Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of the St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University in Bulgaria will be organizing an online international scientific conference between October 27 and 28, 2022 on the occasion of 70 years education in Journalism in the country. The theme of the conference is: Media and Communication in the 21st Century: Educational and Professional Challenges. Application submission deadline is June 30, 2022. For further information, visit their website: https://commed21.com/
• The Political and Social Science Faculty (FCPYS) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the International Political Science Association (IPSA) through the research group in Political Communication (RC-22) will be hosting a conference on ’Latin America in Crisis: Regional Perspectives about Political Communication concerning Sanitary and Political Emergency’ to be held between 21st and 23rd September, 2022. The deadline to submit abstracts was 15th June, 2022.
New publications
- Adversarial Political Interviewing: Worldwide Perspectives During Polarized Times edited by Ofer Feldman has been recently published by Springer. Read the description and table of contents here: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-0576-6
- New issue of Journal of Visual Political Communication is out, with the new editorial team: Darren Lilleker; Anastasia Veneti, Orla Vigsø & Bengt Johansson. Articles about decolonial visual resistance as a public health strategy, how climate change is visible in the movie The Day After Tomorrow and when politicians (in Sweden) started to smile on election posters (and why). For more information about the journal, visit: https://www.intellectbooks.com/journal-visual-political-communication
- Alrmizan, Mohammed. (2022). Arab diasporic media in Turkey: A story of (trans)national narratives in the Middle East. Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, 11(1), 103–122. https://doi.org/10.1386/ajms_00037_1
- Monique Lewis, Eliza Govender, Kate Holland (2021) Communicating COVID-19 Interdisciplinary Perspectives. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-79735-5
Do you have something you want us to share?
Please email us a paragraph (and links) about new calls for papers, job positions, information on upcoming conferences, or your recent publications (peer-reviewed papers and books of established publication houses) by 25th June, 2022 for our July newsletter. The email addresses are anwesha.chakraborty3@unibo.it and marie.grusell@gu.se
All the best,
Anwesha & Marie
Anwesha Chakraborty
Editor of newsletter
Marie Grusell
Chair, Political Communication Research Section
Part 2: IAMCR conference (11th to 15th July, 2022)
Online conference information – for accepted authors only
Time flies and soon it's time for this year's conference. Below you will find information that is important to take part of for those who will participate in the Political Communication section’s panels. The information we will present regards:
- Social networking gathering (13 July)
- Chair volunteers
- Panel presentation
- Paper comments
- Instructions on panels
- Introduction of our Keynote speaker
Social networking gathering 13 July
Due to the virtual format of IAMCR 2022, we want to offer a possibility that provides an informal forum in which colleagues from all around the globe can communicate and network. This social event will take place on July 13th and will be a substitute for our annual social gathering during the conference. More details on access and the procedure will follow soon.
Chair volunteers
We are now looking for volunteers who want to chair the section panels. As chair, you are responsible for the panel and ensuring that everyone can present, that times are kept, and you are also responsible that there are discussions about the presentations. You can register your interest for 1 or 2 occasions. After the conference, you will receive a chair certificate.
Deadline 23 June. Contact: Martin Echeverría, echevemartin@yahoo.com.mx
Panel presentation
Aside from the OCP system, the Section will hold virtual live panels. Your participation in those is optional, but you should contact the Panel Chair to confirm. There will be a Chair for each panel who will coordinate the time of the meeting, provide the Zoom link to participants (which will be in turn provided by us), and will moderate the session. The sessions will last between 60 and 90 minutes, with a suggested time of 15 minutes for each presentation, to make room for discussion.
Paper comments
Initially, we cannot point out strongly enough that it is your responsibility to comment on a paper at the conference. It is of great importance that all papers accepted to the conference receive comments. Accepted participants must comment on other scholars' papers, at least one paper. The benefit is that in this way, everyone gets the feedback they expect on their work. As well as an overview of all panels and paper respondents.
When it comes to feedback, there are a few things to keep in mind for all participants: use the CCC feedback principle: Feedback should be Constructive, Courteous, and Critical. Feedback does not need to be extensive. It may consist of a few lines, e.g., giving good suggestions, or it could be a longer set of recommendations.
Instructions on panel
For all of you participating as a speaker or panel chair, we have some first information, suggestions, and notes on the event:
- You will receive a link to your panel via e-mail. As the preliminary program is not online yet, this may take some time.
- During the session, please mute your microphone when you are not talking. All panel chairs are asked to mute participants if they are unable to or missed that.
- The panel chairs are also responsible for the time management, moderation of the panel, and introduction of the presenters. Please take some notes before the session to introduce the participating speakers.
- In the spirit of collegial cooperation, we asked all of you to provide fair and balanced as well as critical and constructive feedback after the presentations. We recommend discussing after all presentations are done to stay on schedule.
Keynote Speaker: Professor Dr. Sven Engesser (Technical University of Dresden)
Sven Engesser is a German communication scholar and Professor of Science- and Technical Communication at the Technical University of Dresden. He was part of the COST action network on "Populist Political Communication Europe" and is connected to leading political communication scholars all around the globe. Besides political communication, he is interested in cooperative media system research and journalism, particularly participatory journalism. IACMR Political Communication Research Section is happy and proud to welcome Professor Engesser as the keynote speaker for 2022’s IAMCR conference!
We are looking forward to this year's conference and look forward to meeting you at the panels and events we organize.
Chair: Marie Grusell (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Vice Chair: André Haller (University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tyrol, Austria)
Vice Chair: Martín Echeverría (Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico)
Vice Chair: Sara Garcia (Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain)