The International Association for Media and Communication Research -IAMCR- invites applications for the 2023 Urban Communication Award. This thematic award is organised in collaboration with the Urban Communication Foundation (UCF).
The selection committee will award three papers that develop and explore innovative approaches to urban communication. Media/communication researchers with an interest in the intersection of the urban with communication are encouraged to apply, from all fields of media and communication studies and all career stages. Interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged. Awarded papers will be acknowledged with a USD 750 grant.
To be selected for the 2023 award, papers are required to display scholarly excellence, to be innovative in nature, and to have an explicit focus on urban communication.
- Papers may be submitted by authors from all career stages
- Papers must have been accepted for presentation at IAMCR 2023 by one of IAMCR's sections or working groups. This includes both papers accepted for online presentation only (OCP23) and those accepted for in-person presentation at the Lyon conference. See the conference website at https://lyon2023.iamcr.org
- Papers should have a maximum of 7,000 words (abstract and references will not count towards the paper limit).
- Papers must be based on work that has not already been published or firmly committed elsewhere
- Applicants must be current members of IAMCR, either individually or as a representative of an institutional member
- An abstract of the paper must be submitted to any IAMCR section or working group by 23h59 on 9 February 2023.
- If the abstract is accepted for presentation (online or in-person at the Lyon conference) the full paper must be received by 23h59 UTC on 30 April 2023.
- If an award is made, the author(s) will be notified by 1 June 2023.
- Each of the three awards comprises a cash prize of USD 750. There will be no ranking among the awarded papers.
- The Award Selection Committee will select up to three papers, but can decide to award fewer or none. Decisions of the Award Selection Committee will be final.
There are two deadlines to keep in mind.
- 9 February at 23h59 UTC is the deadline to submit an abstract of the paper to any IAMCR section or working group.
- 30 April at 23h59 UTC is the deadline to submit the final paper via an online form at https://iamcr.org/submit-urban2023
Urban Communication Award 2023 Selection Committee
Chair: Janet Wasko, University of Oregon (USA)
Members: TBA